[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output]I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wished that someone I love or care for would change or make better decisions for their lives. I’ve done it because I am a perfect human and I know what is best for everyone. Naw, just because I always want the best for people, I have a vested interest in the quality of life that the people I surround myself with experience. One of the most stress-relieving lessons I had to learn, and it took me a LONG time for it to actually sink in, is that YOU CAN’T CHANGE PEOPLE. People change when they decide that what they want is more important than what they have. Or, they change when it costs them more (literally or figuratively) to stay the same than it does to change.
Tide changed their Pod packaging from the clear to the orange (non-see-through) package because kids thought they were candy and were eating them. It would have cost Proctor & Gamble (Tide’s parents) a lot more money in lawsuits and to keep the clear packaging than it did to change to the orange packaging.
Staying in a job you hate, a relationship that makes you miserable, or choosing to not speak up when someone is taking advantage of you. Those are things that figuratively cost you more time, more stress, more hurt, than changing would.
When people ask me for advice or come to me with their problems, I have the best intentions and my suggestions always come from a place of love. It’s not my style and it’s hurtful and ineffective to try and get someone to change, by making them feel bad, guilty, shaming them, or pointing out their poor choice. Instead, I simply continue to work on me, to be the best I can be, and who knows, maybe my actions and way of living might influence someone and help them to change. And even if it doesn’t, at least they don’t have the added pressure of feeling as though they’re disappointing me.
Be A Reason.[/text_output][/vc_column][/vc_row]