The dip.
The valleys.
The middle of the day.
The end of a long week.
What quitters call the end.
The dark and lonely hours.
The first few years of business.
When giving up seems like the only way to remain alive.
Those are the days.
Those are the times.
Those are the make or break moments that separate the pack.
Remind yourself of the things that are true, because right now you’re all emotions.
Emotions deceive; emotions will tell you that you’re too tired, too sad, hopeless, stuck.
Your mind will attempt to convince you to give up, to throw in the towel, to call it quits, that there are easier ways.
That it’s ok because you won’t be the first or the last to try and fail, that you tried hard and you deserve to stop now.
That is when you have to be quiet.
Find a space & take a moment tune into the core of you.
Find the truth of why you started, why it’s worth fighting for.
This is when you feel the emotions, but you don’t act in response to them.
These are the days, the weeks, the times that lead to success.
These moments are why so many people live below their potential, unhappy and unfulfilled.
It is up to you to decide; feel your way through the dark, step on the truth that you can’t see, but that you know is there.
Remember the last time something felt impossible to overcome? Remember when it seemes like it’d never happen, that you’d never reach your goal?
It ended.
You survived.
It will happen again.
You will come out of it again.
Equipped with even more knowledge.
Even more self-awareness, and resolve.
These things, these moments, these times are supposed to happen.
It would be nice to see everyone who started, finish, but it doesn’t happen.
It’s only those who endure the scrapes, the bruises, the fire, the calluses, the dip, the tribulation, the darkness.
Only they come out as gold.
I. Give. Up.
I give up the idea that life is easy.
I give up believing that being a good person is enough.
I give up the habit of allowing false beliefs and emotions to bring me down.
I give up trying to understand why things don’t turn out the way I wanted them to.
I. Will. Work.