Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Do The Work
[vc_row parallax=”” parallax_image=”” inner_container=”” no_margin=”” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none” marginless_columns=””][vc_column fade=”” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” width=”1/1″][text_output]This post is just as much of a kick in the butt reminder for me as it is you. I’ve been on a writing break for about 6 weeks now. I dunno, I just couldn’t find my mojo, I didn’t have anything to…
Ready To Rumble?
You will be rejected. Sometimes the thing you want, you won’t get. Sometimes you’ll get a flat out “no”. Being the best person for the job isn’t always enough. Some things require you to fight for them. Sometimes you have to get your hands dirty. Feel angry, be hurt, and cry. And then, fight. Fight…
Control and Power
[vc_row inner_container=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none”][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output]Two years ago on the original Launch blog I put up a post called, Power and Control. That post was based on the quote pictured above which I heard in a car commercial. I decided to revisit that quote and post today because I think it’s worth repeating. A few years ago I…
You’re Not A Victim, You Made A Bad Choice
[vc_row inner_container=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none”][vc_column][text_output]Everything terrible that’s happened or is happening to you is not because the world is out to get you or because everyone hates you. Truth be told, most times, the crap we go through and that we put up with is stuff we chose. We allowed it into our lives, or…
We Don’t Need Easy Lives
[vc_row inner_container=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none”][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output] Easy Schmeasy. Easy lives are for wimps. The straight and narrow path, the always have the answers, never a grey sky or hard day… who needs that? Not you. You need the sucky days, the situations that you can’t believe you’ve found yourself in, the moments when there’s absolutely…
Get To Work
There’s a legal age for when you can drink, drive, vote, and run for president. But that’s where the restrictions pretty much end. Work. Service. Entrepreneurship. Those things don’t have a start or ending age. There are 6 year olds who run businesses, and there are 60 year olds living abroad, volunteering their time in the…
The Love Series Wrap Up
[vc_row no_margin=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none”][vc_column width=”1/2″][x_video_embed type=”16:9″][/x_video_embed][text_output]Self-Love: Being able to honestly love yourself. Recognizing that even if there are things you want to change about your character or physical self, that the person you are, the role you play in the world, and the body that houses you is valuable and worthy. Self-love is the…
Romantic Love | The Love Series
I mean, we can’t discuss love and not talk about the most obvious and maybe the most sought after form. Wrapping up our four part series on Love with Romantic Love.
Head Love vs. Heart Love | The Love Series
I can’t be the only person who had to learn not just how to love people, but to teach them how to love me? Apparently knowing you’re loved, and feeling you’re loved are two different things. Glad I finally figured that out.
Love For Others | The Love Series
Next up, Love For Others. Loving the nice people, the good people, the people who treat you well is easy. Loving the mean people, the bad people, the people you don’t know, that isn’t as simple. However, loving people and loving behaviors is more for you than for them. So, learn to practice the art…
Self-Love | The Love Series
Instead of doing a predictable series on love for Valentine’s Day, I decided to do a predictable series on love for all of February :-). First up, Self-Love, because it’s one of those things that we all struggle with from time to time. However, you are your most important asset, so learning to love yourself…
Dear Future Me
Five years from now… Who will you be? What will you be doing? What will you have accomplished? Scroll through pictures or posts and see who you were, what you were doing, or who was most important in your life years ago. Does it feel like that time went by fast? Right now, five years…
Forgiving Sucks
Forgiving someone makes us feel like a doormat, like we’re allowing someone to walk all over us or to get away with something. How come when we’re the person who has been wronged we also have to be the person who forgives? It sucks. Especially when the person you’re forgiving isn’t even sorry. Ever been…
Growth Opportunities
Discomfort brings growth. It’d be great if we could go through life being ‘good people’ and because we were kind to others, obeyed our parents, did well in school, and showed up on time for work, that we would have no problems. However, it’s yet to happen, and it never will, because it isn’t the way…
Invest & Deposit
When you deposit more money into your bank account than you withdraw, you always have money available. When you spend more time investing in relationships and people than in things, you will always have a friend. It’s the time of year when people make lists and check them twice, to purchase gifts for people they love.…
Be Great Now
The dip. The valleys. The middle of the day. The end of a long week. What quitters call the end. The dark and lonely hours. The first few years of business. When giving up seems like the only way to remain alive. Those are the days. Those are the times. Those are the make or…
Finishing up our series with #5, the supporters! The type of person we should want and what we should be for others.
Type #4 this week in our Comment Culture series is the cheerleaders! You can’t help but get excited and be motivated when someone is cheering you on.
Number 3 this week in our Comment Culture series are the critics. We saved them for Wednesday/hump day, because they can go either way.
Haters, type #2 in our series called Comment Culture: 5 Types of People You Meet in the Comment Sections and in Life. We all know them, and we’ve all probably had one or been one.
Got any book recommendations?