Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Trolls


    This week over on our YouTube channel, we’re discussing 5 types of people you’ll meet in the comment section and in life. Using YouTube as the example social media platform, our short video touches on what a troll does and why. The behavior of ‘trolls’ isn’t new, but Internet Trolls have become a thing since…

  • Your Words Reflect You

    Your Words Reflect You

    The saying goes, “What Sally says about Susie says more about Sally than it does about Susie.” I don’t know not a one Sally or Susie, so let’s say… “What Mia says about Lia says more about Mia than it does about Lia.” What is going on or NOT going on in Mia’s life? Why…

  • Your Perception Is Your Reality

    Your Perception Is Your Reality

    [vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output]You are what you perceive. Have you heard that saying, “perception is reality”? My old boss used to say it more times than anyone should be allowed. We were in the service industry and she was a “the customer is always right” type of person, (I knew better). But, to her, regardless of what…

  • Motivation & Kindness | Jahleel

    Motivation & Kindness | Jahleel

    [vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output]So, I’m a little biased when it comes to this dude; I’ve known of him for years and to see the positive and ambitious young man he is today, is no surprise at all. But, don’t let that take away from the great person he is, the great work he’s doing, and the fact that…

  • Brains & Beauty | Whitney, Louise, Fleur, Zoë

    Brains & Beauty | Whitney, Louise, Fleur, Zoë

    [vc_row no_margin=”true”][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output]Main channels, vlog channels, beauty products, makeup lines, husbands/boyfriends, daughters, pets, brand ambassadors, photo shoots, meet & greets, charities, authors, live events, self-employed, entrepreneurs … ambitious young women. Isn’t it crazy that not too long ago the masses viewed women as people who could/should just keep house and raise kids, or believed that…

  • Creativity & Vulnerability | Kristina, Charles, Keturah, Ashleigh

    Creativity & Vulnerability | Kristina, Charles, Keturah, Ashleigh

    [vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output]It’s one thing to have potential, talents, gifts, and skills. It’s a whole other ballgame to study your craft, practice, iterate, and then be bold enough to share your offerings and art with the world. Kristina Webb, Charles Arrington, Keturah Ari’el, and Ashleigh Newman are ambitious young adults who are using their passion &…

  • Courage & Confidence | Troye & Jim

    Courage & Confidence | Troye & Jim

    [vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output]’Grass is greener’ type people assume that people who have what they don’t have, don’t have any problems. Overweight peeps think skinny peeps got it made. You chumps who think you’re ugly think attractive people have no problems. Broke folk think rich people never lose sleep. And so on. But, let me school you…

  • Potential & Inspiration | Mo’ne, Misty, Gabrielle

    Potential & Inspiration | Mo’ne, Misty, Gabrielle

    [vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output]Launch is about providing resources, and encouraging ambitious young adults to reach their potential, earn a living doing what they love, and creating work that matters. So, for this first week of November (2014), I am highlighting some young people who are doing just that. Each day this week I will be posting about…

  • Enjoy Your Life

    You will only have today once. So, enjoy it. Whomever you spend today with, whatever you do, wherever you go… enjoy your life.  

  • Focus


    There’s nothing in the world that is more important than you. So why do you spend so much of your time focused on other people? Or on things that will never get you what you want? Distractions. The things you love are designed to distract you. It’s easy to be distracted. Websites with links to other articles, apps with…

  • All That Power

    All That Power

    According to Kanye, no one man should have all ‘that’ power. (But, he doesn’t run stuff ’round here.) You’re more powerful than you even know; or, maybe you do know, but don’t yet know how to use it. Like those kids in that movie Sky High, remember that? The great things, the happy thoughts, the good…

  • Manifesto


    Develop a manifesto. A personal statement that says who you are, what you do, believe, want, and enjoy. Use it as a reminder of where you’re you going.

  • Vulnerability is Weak, but Weak Isn’t Bad

    Vulnerability is Weak, but Weak Isn’t Bad

    A while ago, over on our our old blog I asked the question, [blockquote cite= type=”center”]“What does it mean to you to be vulnerable?“[/blockquote] This response to that question summed up exactly what I feel most people think of vulnerability. “I hate feeling vulnerable because it makes me feel weak. I feel like I am wearing…

  • Just Say “Hello”

    Just Say “Hello”

    [vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output]Do you have any friends? Are you one of those people pretends to be proud of that? Do you secretly wish you had a close group of people to share your life with? We’re built for connection, you should feel that way. You know those articles and advertisements saying that social media has made…

  • Start Today!

    Start Today!

    I’ve used this quote before for a post, but it’s still worth saying. Say your goal is to be a photographer, you can start, TODAY! Watch videos online, read blog posts, and practice picture composition with your little raggedy camera or cell phone. You can even study and comparison shop the kind of camera and…

  • Speak Up

    Speak Up

    [vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output] You have a voice. Use it. Use it for good. Use it to build. Use it to encourage. Speak Up! Speak up and speak out against injustice. Speak up when you’ve been wronged. Speak up when you are hurt. Speak up when you are in need. Speak up to cultivate change. But also……

  • Motivation To Habit

    Motivation To Habit

    [vc_row inner_container=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none”][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output]Being motivated is easy. A fiery presidential debate, a great movie, an exciting concert, a good book, watching someone win at life. All those things can motivate you, make you do some air fist pumps, and hype you up. It doesn’t take much to be motivated, but it takes work…

  • Don’t


    [vc_row inner_container=”true” no_margin=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none” bg_color=”#ff4242″ parallax=”true”][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output] “Don’t laugh at another’s dreams. Don’t judge people by their relatives. Don’t overlook life’s small joys. Don’t confuse comfort with happiness. Don’t confuse wealth with success. Don’t let weeds grow around your dreams. Don’t swap integrity for money, power, or fame. Don’t expect life to be…

  • Money Mindset

    Money Mindset

    [vc_row inner_container=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none”][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output]You mind your business; you are all about your personal and professional business. You don’t spend time gossiping, worrying, or getting involved in others people’s business cuz you’re too focused and too busy handling your stuff. Sweet! But… [blockquote cite= type=”center”]Do You Mind Your Money?[/blockquote] Are you equally as focused…

  • Saying Thanks: YouTube Relationship Marketing

    [vc_row inner_container=”true” no_margin=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none”][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output]Few things make me happier than young people doing things they’re passionate about and making a living doing it; it’s why I created Launch. So, I love YouTube as much as the next person, in fact Launch has brand new content coming to our channel soon because it’s a…

  • Why Healthy Food Tastes Awful

    [vc_row inner_container=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none”][vc_column][text_output]Forget a New Year’s resolution I seem to have to make a resolution every week these days. I start my week off every Monday by eating a nutritious breakfast of a bowl of fruit or a smoothie. Tuesday it’ll be fruit and maybe 2 whole grain blueberry waffles (Already heading downhill; I’ve…

Got any book recommendations?