Your Perception Is Your Reality

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][text_output]You are what you perceive.

Have you heard that saying, “perception is reality”? My old boss used to say it more times than anyone should be allowed. We were in the service industry and she was a “the customer is always right” type of person, (I knew better). But, to her, regardless of what happened, whatever the customer perceived, believed, or said, was truth. It was really annoying.

What you perceive is only your reality. It doesn’t mean it’s the absolute truth, it’s just the way you took the information in. Therefore, leave a little space in your mind and be open to understanding that not everyone will see things the way you do and not everything is the way you see it. Your environment, life, personality, and mood color your experiences, and affect how you interpret information. It’s the reason there can be multiple books on the same topic, because every author adds his or her flavor.

[blockquote cite=”” type=”center”]Please allow the following tangent.[/blockquote]

You have the option to perceive the world and its resources from a perspective of either lack or of abundance.

If you choose to think there isn’t enough time, money, kindness, etc. then you will become a person who doesn’t celebrate others, a person who thinks that if someone else obtains, succeeds, learns, grows, or gets paid, then there isn’t enough left for you too to have or obtain those things. In turn, you will resent, hate, belittle, and speak poorly of people, out of fear of there not being enough for you too.

If you choose to think there is an abundance of time, money, kindness, etc. then you will become a person who celebrates others, a person who knows that when someone else obtains, succeeds, learns, grows, or gets paid, then it’s possible for you too to have or obtain those things. In turn, you will celebrate, encourage, love, get excited for, and speak highly of people, out of happiness that there is more than enough for everyone to have.

There are young adults and teenagers on Vine, YouTube, Tumblr, and Twitter, who started out using social media for fun and to curb boredom. Those platforms have turned into a place to share their talents, interests, lives, and skills with the world. Because of that, and due the audiences they’ve garnered, they are presented with opportunities. Wouldn’t it be a huge disservice to them and the world not to take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to them? Haven’t we all wished someone would knock on our door or see us walking down the street and hand us money, give us a record deal, a publishing contract, or invite us to create? Why in the world would you spend one second of time hating on someone who is doing just that. Not the people who started out making videos and now make videos that are more like commercials, but those who make videos and work on the opportunities on the side, and give us a chance to support their dream and share in what they’ve created.

So, if everyone who uses any social media wants to write a book, create a product, do a podcast, or sell merchandise, I say go for it. It takes nothing away from the world. It does however add to the world and help to change the perception that there isn’t enough. Go for it!




