You’re Not A Victim, You Made A Bad Choice

[vc_row inner_container=”true” padding_top=”0px” padding_bottom=”0px” border=”none”][vc_column][text_output]Everything terrible that’s happened or is happening to you is not because the world is out to get you or because everyone hates you. Truth be told, most times, the crap we go through and that we put up with is stuff we chose. We allowed it into our lives, or we allow it to remain in our lives.

We know Newton’s 3rd law of motion…
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 

So, why then do we trip out, get sad, mad, or salty when stuff happens to us. I mean, think about it, you SURELY didn’t believe that there would be no consequence for choosing to wear too small shoes, not turning in your homework, consistently getting to work late, or ignoring the gas light.

Sometimes, we make great choices, or at least choices at the time that seem great. And, things don’t work out, a truth is revealed, or things outside of our control happen. When you’re minding your business and someone spills something on you, when you went to church and met the family of your new boo and months later found out they already had a boo, when you sign the lease on an apartment in a nice, safe, and affordable complex and months later wonder why the pool is turning green and the grass hasn’t been cut and you find out they’ve filed for bankruptcy (personal).

But, a lot of times, we bring drama, stress, issues, or problems into our own lives, whether we meant to or not. Sometimes it’s easier than telling the truth, dealing with a situation or person right away, or facing our fear. Whatever the reason, your bad choice and poor decision was stupid. It doesn’t make you stupid, you just did something that was stupid. And now, you must deal with the ramifications and move on from it. You can walk around feeling sorry for yourself and playing the victim if you’d like, but no one is buying tickets to that pity party, so prepare to wallow alone.

Or, you can take ownership for the dumb thing you did, or the unfortunate thing that happened to you and take Aaliyah’s advice and brush yourself off and try again.

Bad choices can be overcome, so can moments of stupidity… but only with action.




